Fraud Blocker
Please read the full Terms & Conditions before you enter.

Costs and Payment

How much is the entry fee?
Entry is AU$30 (~US$23) per image for non members. For members it is AU$25 (~US$19) and you may submit any number of images in each category.
The student prize is only $1.
What methods of payment do you accept?
You can pay only by credit card using Visa, Mastercard or American Express.
How much is membership?
Membership is AU$50 and lasts for a year. It gives you a AU$5 discount of every submission to the Head On Photo Awards (Portrait, Mobile, Landscape)  you also receive discounts to workshops and get invites to special events. Become a member now.


Is there an age limit?
There is no age limit and anyone may submit but minors need parent/guardian approval.
Are the Head On Photo Awards open to non-Australian photographers?
Portrait, landscape are opened internationally. The student category is only open to Australian students (K-12).
I am a Uni Student can I submit to the Student Award?
The Student Award can only be entered by Primary and High School Students in Australia. You can however submit to our other prizes.
I am Homeschooled, can I enter the Student Prize?
Yes of course as long as you are a K-12 aged student. In the entry process when it asks for your schools name just enter “homeschool”.
Is there a time frame during which the image must have been taken?
There is no time limit, although we encourage people to submit current images which have been produced in the past few years.
Are digital adjustments allowed?
Yes, we have no rules about what can be done to an image as long as it was originally captured on a photographic device. 
Do you have any guidelines on Post Processing?
No, we encourage the use of any type of technology in the photographic process.

Entry Conditions

Is there a restriction on how many photos I can enter?
There is no limit. 
Can I submit an image of my dog/cat etc to the Portrait Award?
Animals may feature as part of a shot, but may not be the defining subject. 
Can I submit a self-portrait?
Yes, you may submit a self-portrait.
What about a Selfie?
Go for it.
Do the portraits have to be of someone of note or can they be any person?
You may submit images of any person whether known or not. The selection of images is based on the power of the photograph rather than the celebrity of the subject or photographer.
I have two people in the image, is this acceptable?
You may submit images of an individual or of a group consisting of two or more people.
Can I enter a image that has been exhibited/published before?
You may submit any image whether it has been exhibited/published before or not.
Can I have black (or white) border around the image (eg negative rebate edges)?
If your picture has a border which is part of the image (such as a Polaroid or ‘full frame’ look) please include it in the uploaded file. (e.g Mark O’Hare by Wendy McDougal)
Can the image have text on it as part of the concept?
Yes, you may add text anywhere you like (on the picture or next to it as long as the overall size remains according to the specifications). (e.g. Why am I a Marine? by Stephen Dupont)
Can I submit a Diptych or Triptych?
Yes you can and it will be judged in its entirety. (e.g. In the shadow of the King by Fiona Wolf)


Legal Stuff and Model Releases 

Do I really need to read the T&C?
It is always in your best interest to read the T&C before you submit to any contest. Head On always has the photographers best interest at heart. You can read them here.
Do I retain copyrightof my Photograph?
Yes of course!
What can Head On do with my Photograph?
  • If you are a Finalist in the Head On Awards you will grant Head On a License to use the photograph to promote Head On Photo Festival, Head On Photo Awards and other Head On Foundation events, you will always be credited.
  • Exhibition Prints will be kept for 5 years for retrospective shows, the winners Prints will be added to the “Head On” collection. The prints are made at no additional cost to you.
  • Semi finalist images may appear in a digital presentation during the festival.
The portrait was taken in India and I have lost the name of the subject. Can I still submit the image?
Yes, you may submit it as long as you have permission of the subject to be exhibited.
Are first names or an alias acceptable in order to keep the subject’s privacy?
You may use alias or first name only rather than a full name.
Does the subject need to sign a talent release?
The subject is not required to sign a release however the photographer needs to have the subject’s permission to be exhibited.
I am a Street Photographer and shoot with out permission can I still submit?
Yes, you may submit but we (Head On Foundation) will not take on any liability and any/ all legal action will be passed on to the photographer.


The Submission Process

Can I view a video on how to Submit?
Yes but not just yet. It will be uploaded shortly.
What size file do I need to submit?
Your file needs to be saved as a .jpg or .jpeg with the dimensions of the long edge set to 2400 pixels @ 72dpi and the file size should be less than 2mb. 
Can I send print image rather than submit an image on the site?
We accept submission only via our website. If the image was shot using film , you will need to scan either the original negative/transparency or the print and upload the resulting file through our website.
Can I submit an artist statement?
You may submit a description of your image such as who the sitter is or any other information that may be relevant during the submission process (‘Description’).
I realized I named my picture incorrectly after I uploaded it, what should I do?
Submission name (title) has to be submitted when you upload your image. If you need to rename it, you have to delete the image (through the red link – ‘submissions’) before you proceed to the payment stage as you will not be able to rename the image once it’s paid for.
Image file names (the one you create on your computer) will be replaced by the website so if you didn’t rename it correctly, you are okay.
Do I need to submit any information about each image?
No. The only information required is the photographer’s name and the subject’s name (or title). You will be able to add information about the image during the submission process in the ‘Description’ field.
Can the title be more than merely the name of the subject. For example can it include their name and what they are doing. eg. Dobie Wurrkidj rolls sand palm string to weave a dilly bag?
Yes, you may include some extra information during the submission process using ‘Description’ field. You can add up to 100 words.
Can I upload another image after I have completed my submission?
Yes. There are no limits on the number of times you enter.

Judging Process

Who are the judges?
Every year we have a different judging panel to promote diversity in Photography. You can find a list of this years judges here.
When will the finalists be informed?
Finalists will be advised by email and/or phone before March 2020. Winners will not be made public until the official Festival opening on May 1, 2020. 
I am a relatively unknown photographer from a national perspective; do I have the same chance for a win as a well known name photographer?
Judging will be done anonymously; no identifying detail will be visible by the judges in order to ensure that the selection is not affected by the celebrity of the photographer and or the subject of the photograph.
How do you make the Judging Anonymous?
Our judging system replaces photographers names with a ID number so the judges never see the photographers name. We also remove any image with a water mark from judging.
How much extra does it cost to be part of the Exhibition?
There is no extra Fee, we take care of all costs.
Do I get to decide on the size and material my photographs are printed on?
Unfortunately no, due to space and time concerns we print all photographs in each Prize at the same size and on the same paper.
When are the winners announced?
At the festival Launch on 1 May 2020.
Do I need to be at the Head On Photo Festival Launch?
No you do not need to be but it is a great occasion to network with other finalists, and if you are a winner we will still send your prizes if you cannot make it on the night.
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Head On Photo Awards 2024

Entries to the Head On Photo Awards 2024 open in May/June.

Image detail: Gary Ramage